ACMS : Alternate Conformations in Main and Side Chains of Protein Structures

Residue Details    Interaction Details

  ChainResidue NumberResidue Name with Occupancy
A 23    ALYS(0.50)-BLYS(0.50)
A 24    AGLU(0.50)-BGLU(0.50)
A 71    AMET(0.64)-BMET(0.36)
A 72    ALYS(0.64)-BLYS(0.36)
A 74    ALEU(0.48)-BLEU(0.52)
A 75    AASP(0.48)-BASP(0.52)
A 105    ALYS(0.81)-BLYS(0.19)
A 107    AGLU(0.53)-BGLU(0.47)
A 108    APHE(0.53)-BPHE(0.47)
A 118    AMET(0.37)-BMET(0.63)
A 119    AVAL(0.37)-BVAL(0.63)
A 135    AILE(0.64)-BILE(0.36)
A 138    APHE(0.51)-BPHE(0.49)
A 140    AGLU(0.63)-BGLU(0.37)
A 163    AILE(0.63)-BILE(0.37)
A 164    ATYR(0.63)-BTYR(0.37)
A 166    AASP(0.52)-BASP(0.48)
A 167    ALEU(0.52)-BLEU(0.48)
A 174    AILE(0.51)-BILE(0.49)
A 175    AASP(0.51)-BASP(0.49)
A 180    AILE(0.44)-BILE(0.56)
A 181    AGLN(0.44)-BGLN(0.56)
A 212    ASER(0.65)-BSER(0.35)
A 213    ALYS(0.65)-BLYS(0.35)
A 230    AGLU(0.57)-BGLU(0.43)
A 231    AMET(0.57)-BMET(0.43)
A 263    ASER(0.63)-BSER(0.37)
A 264    AASP(0.63)-BASP(0.37)
A 275    AVAL(0.67)-BVAL(0.33)
A 276    AASP(0.67)-BASP(0.33)
A 287    AGLY(0.58)-BGLY(0.42)
A 288    AVAL(0.50)-BVAL(0.50)
A 289    AASN(0.50)-BASN(0.50)
A 295    ALYS(0.53)-BLYS(0.47)
B 12    AALA(0.71)-BALA(0.29)
B 19    AARG(0.57)-BARG(0.43)
A 139    ASEP(0.63)-BSEP(0.37)

Interaction type :
PDB-Id = 7PIE    

Label   Distance   With Backbone

             Spin:   Atom size:   Wireframe:   

Background color:     Color:   
