ACMS : Alternate Conformations in Main and Side Chains of Protein Structures

Residue Details    Interaction Details

  ChainResidue NumberResidue Name with Occupancy
A 229    AMET(0.63)-BMET(0.37)
A 236    ASER(0.58)-BSER(0.42)
A 237    AILE(0.58)-BILE(0.42)
A 277    AMET(0.50)-BMET(0.50)
A 299    ACYS(0.45)-BCYS(0.30)-CCYS(0.25)
A 353    AMET(0.59)-BMET(0.41)
A 357    ASER(0.43)-BSER(0.57)
A 358    ALYS(0.43)-BLYS(0.57)
A 423    AVAL(0.55)-BVAL(0.45)
A 497    AMET(0.31)-BMET(0.30)-CMET(0.39)
A 532    AASN(0.46)-BASN(0.54)
B 85    ASER(0.28)-BSER(0.72)
B 162    AGLU(0.52)-BGLU(0.48)
B 229    AMET(0.73)-BMET(0.27)
B 277    AMET(0.72)-BMET(0.28)
B 299    ACYS(0.52)-BCYS(0.31)-CCYS(0.17)
B 353    AMET(0.74)-BMET(0.26)
B 357    ASER(0.48)-BSER(0.52)
B 358    ALYS(0.48)-BLYS(0.52)
B 364    AARG(0.55)-BARG(0.45)
B 423    AVAL(0.55)-BVAL(0.45)
B 491    ATYR(0.52)-BTYR(0.48)
B 497    AMET(0.27)-BMET(0.27)-CMET(0.46)
B 572    ATYR(0.56)-BTYR(0.44)
B 573    ALYS(0.56)-BLYS(0.44)
A 601    A402(0.94)
A 607    CFOR(0.25)
A 611    AFOR(0.75)
A 612    AFOR(0.49)-BFOR(0.51)
A 613    BFOR(0.69)
A 941    AHOH(0.31)
B 601    A402(0.90)
B 607    AFOR(0.83)
B 608    CFOR(0.17)
B 612    AFOR(0.49)-BFOR(0.51)
B 613    BFOR(0.73)
B 710    BHOH(0.44)
B 732    AHOH(0.56)
B 865    AHOH(0.56)
B 962    AHOH(0.27)

Interaction type :
PDB-Id = 8QM3    

Label   Distance   With Backbone

             Spin:   Atom size:   Wireframe:   

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