ACMS : Alternate Conformations in Main and Side Chains of Protein Structures

Residue Details    Interaction Details

  ChainResidue NumberResidue Name with Occupancy
A 86    AVAL(0.55)-BVAL(0.45)
A 125    AVAL(0.73)-BVAL(0.27)
A 128    ACYS(0.71)-BCYS(0.29)
A 130    AMET(0.45)-BMET(0.55)
B 41    AHIS(0.60)-BHIS(0.40)
B 64    AHIS(0.46)-BHIS(0.54)
B 86    AVAL(0.62)-BVAL(0.38)
B 125    AVAL(0.58)-BVAL(0.42)
B 128    ACYS(0.64)-BCYS(0.36)
B 130    AMET(0.60)-BMET(0.40)
B 138    AGLY(0.60)-BGLY(0.40)
B 139    ASER(0.60)-BSER(0.40)
B 140    APHE(0.60)-BPHE(0.40)
B 145    ACYS(0.60)-BCYS(0.40)
B 201    A7YY(0.60)

Interaction type :
PDB-Id = 8V8G    

Label   Distance   With Backbone

             Spin:   Atom size:   Wireframe:   

Background color:     Color:   
