Structural Classification of Proteins
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Superfamily: Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases

link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All alpha proteins [46456]
  3. Fold: alpha/alpha toroid [48207]
    multihelical; up to seven alpha-hairpins are arranged in closed circular array; there may be sequence similarities between different superfamilies
  4. Superfamily: Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases [48239]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily


  1. Terpenoid cyclase N-terminal domain [48240] (2)
    incomplete toroid made of four hairpins
    1. 5-Epi-aristolochene synthase [48241]
      1. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) [TaxId: 4097] [48242] (7)
        1. 5eas picpicxref
          complexed with mg; mutant
          1. region a:24-220 [18852] picpiclink
        2. 5eau picpicxref
          complexed with fff, mg; mutant
          1. region a:21-220 [18851] picpiclink
        3. 1hxa picpicxref
          complexed with fhp, mg; mutant
          1. region a:21-220 [83641] picpiclink
        4. 1hxc picpicxref
          complexed with fhp; mutant
          1. region a:21-220 [83643] picpiclink
        5. 5eat picpicxref
          complexed with fhp, mg
          1. region a:17-220 [18853] picpiclink
        6. 1hxg picpicxref
          complexed with mg; mutant
          1. region a:15-220 [83645] picpiclink
        7. 1hx9 picpicxref
          complexed with fhp, mg; mutant
          1. region a:21-220 [83639] picpiclink
    2. (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase [81857]
      1. Garden sage (Salvia officinalis) [TaxId: 38868] [81858] (7)
        1. 1n1b picpicxref
          complexed with hg, mg
          1. region a:64-270 [79799] picpiclink
          2. region b:62-270 [79801] picpiclink
        2. 1n24 picpicxref
          complexed with bp2, mg
          1. region a:54-270 [79846] picpiclink
          2. region b:62-270 [79848] picpiclink
        3. 1n20 picpicxref
          complexed with 3ag, mg
          1. region a:54-270 [79832] picpiclink
          2. region b:61-270 [79834] picpiclink
        4. 1n1z picpicxref
          complexed with btb, mg, pop
          1. region a:54-270 [79828] picpiclink
          2. region b:65-270 [79830] picpiclink
        5. 1n23 picpicxref
          complexed with 2bn, mg, pop
          1. region a:55-270 [79842] picpiclink
          2. region b:61-270 [79844] picpiclink
        6. 1n22 picpicxref
          complexed with 7a8, mg, pop
          1. region a:54-270 [79838] picpiclink
          2. region b:64-270 [79840] picpiclink
        7. 1n21 picpicxref
          complexed with 3ag, mg
          1. region a:53-270 [79836] picpiclink
  2. Terpene synthases [48243] (2)
    consists of two toroid domains: one of six and one of five hairpins
    1. Squalene-hopene cyclase [48244]
      1. Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius [TaxId: 405212] [48245] (16)
        1. 2sqc picpic
          complexed with c8e; mutant
          1. region a:8-36,a:308-630 [18854] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [18855] picpiclink
          3. region b:8-36,b:308-630 [18856] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [18857] picpiclink
        2. 1ump picpic
          complexed with c8e, sqa
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [99619] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [99620] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [99621] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [99622] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [99623] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [99624] picpiclink
        3. 1sqc picpic
          complexed with lda
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-628 [18858] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [18859] picpiclink
        4. 1h36 picpic
          complexed with c8e, r88
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90556] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90557] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90558] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90559] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90560] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90561] picpiclink
        5. 1o6r picpic
          complexed with c8e, r19
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [92583] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [92584] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [92585] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [92586] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [92587] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [92588] picpiclink
        6. 1o6h picpic
          complexed with c8e, w37
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [92568] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [92569] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [92570] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [92571] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [92572] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [92573] picpiclink
        7. 1h3b picpic
          complexed with c8e, r46
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90580] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90581] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90582] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90583] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90584] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90585] picpiclink
        8. 1h35 picpic
          complexed with c8e, r01
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90550] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90551] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90552] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90553] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90554] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90555] picpiclink
        9. 1h37 picpic
          complexed with c8e, r02
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90562] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90563] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90564] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90565] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90566] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90567] picpiclink
        10. 1h39 picpic
          complexed with c8e, r03
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90568] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90569] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90570] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90571] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90572] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90573] picpiclink
        11. 3sqc picpic
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-628 [18860] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [18861] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-628 [18862] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [18863] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-628 [18864] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [18865] picpiclink
        12. 1h3a picpic
          complexed with c8e, r04
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90574] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90575] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90576] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90577] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90578] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90579] picpiclink
        13. 1o6q picpic
          complexed with c8e, r17
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [92577] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [92578] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [92579] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [92580] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [92581] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [92582] picpiclink
        14. 1gsz picpic
          complexed with c8e, r71
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-628 [76329] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [76330] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-628 [76331] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [76332] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-628 [76333] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [76334] picpiclink
        15. 1o79 picpic
          complexed with c8e, r23
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [92602] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [92603] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [92604] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [92605] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [92606] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [92607] picpiclink
        16. 1h3c picpic
          complexed with c8e, r79
          1. region a:10-36,a:308-629 [90586] picpiclink
          2. region a:37-307 [90587] picpiclink
          3. region b:10-36,b:308-629 [90588] picpiclink
          4. region b:37-307 [90589] picpiclink
          5. region c:10-36,c:308-629 [90590] picpiclink
          6. region c:37-307 [90591] picpiclink
    2. Lanosterol synthase [116989]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [116990] (2)
        SQ P48449
        1. 1w6k picpic
          complexed with bog, lan
          1. region a:6-99,a:379-732 [114271] picpiclink
          2. region a:100-378 [114272] picpiclink
        2. 1w6j picpic
          complexed with bog, c14, r71
          1. region a:6-99,a:379-732 [114269] picpiclink
          2. region a:100-378 [114270] picpiclink
  3. Protein prenyltransferases [48246] (3)
    1. Protein farnesyltransferase, beta-subunit [48247]
      1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [48248] (29)
        SQ Q02293 22-418 P53610
        1. 1d8d picpicxref
          complex with K-ras4b peptide substrate
          1. chain b [18866] picpiclink
        2. 1jcr picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fpp, zn
          1. chain b [66507] picpiclink
        3. 1kzp picpicxref
          complex with k-ras4b peptide product
          complexed with acy, far, zn
          1. chain b [77641] picpiclink
        4. 1jcs picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fii, zn
          1. chain b [66509] picpiclink
        5. 1kzo picpicxref
          complex with k-ras4b peptide product and farnesyl diphosphate substrate bound simultaneously
          complexed with acy, far, fpp, zn
          1. chain b [77639] picpiclink
        6. 2r2l picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ft1b_
          complexed with fpp, pb9, zn
          1. region b:23-423 [151536] picpiclink
        7. 1o1t picpicxref
          complexed with 2nh, mg, zn
          1. chain b [86552] picpiclink
        8. 1o5m picpicxref
          complexed with 336, fpp, zn
          1. chain b [92508] picpiclink
        9. 1o1r picpicxref
          complexed with grg, zn
          1. chain b [86548] picpiclink
        10. 1o1s picpicxref
          complexed with 1nh, zn
          1. chain b [86550] picpiclink
        11. 1ft1 picpicxref
          complexed with zn
          1. chain b [18867] picpiclink
        12. 1sa5 picpicxref
          complexed with acy, bmv, fpp, zn
          1. chain b [105405] picpiclink
        13. 1s64 picpicxref
          complexed with 778, cl, mes, so4, zn
          1. chain b [105288] picpiclink
          2. chain d [105290] picpiclink
          3. chain f [105292] picpiclink
          4. chain h [105294] picpiclink
          5. chain j [105296] picpiclink
          6. chain l [105298] picpiclink
        14. 1n4q picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mgm, tth, zn
          1. chain b [91636] picpiclink
          2. chain d [91638] picpiclink
          3. chain f [91640] picpiclink
          4. chain h [91642] picpiclink
          5. chain j [91644] picpiclink
          6. chain l [91646] picpiclink
        15. 1n4s picpicxref
          complexed with cl, grg, tth, zn
          1. chain b [91660] picpiclink
          2. chain d [91662] picpiclink
          3. chain f [91664] picpiclink
          4. chain h [91666] picpiclink
          5. chain j [91668] picpiclink
          6. chain l [91670] picpiclink
        16. 2bed picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ft1b_
          complexed with 736, fpp, zn
          1. region b:23-423 [128376] picpiclink
        17. 1qbq picpicxref
          complexed with ace, act, hfp, zn
          1. chain b [18868] picpiclink
        18. 1n4p picpicxref
          complexed with cl, grg, tth, zn
          1. chain b [91624] picpiclink
          2. chain d [91626] picpiclink
          3. chain f [91628] picpiclink
          4. chain h [91630] picpiclink
          5. chain j [91632] picpiclink
          6. chain l [91634] picpiclink
        19. 3dpy picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1ft1b_
          complexed with acy, fpp, zn
          1. region b:22-423 [157826] picpiclink
        20. 1n4r picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, so4, tth, zn
          1. chain b [91648] picpiclink
          2. chain d [91650] picpiclink
          3. chain f [91652] picpiclink
          4. chain h [91654] picpiclink
          5. chain j [91656] picpiclink
          6. chain l [91658] picpiclink
        21. 1d8e picpicxref
          complex with k-ras4b peptide substrate and FPP analog
          complexed with ace, fii
          1. chain b [18869] picpiclink
        22. 1nl4 picpicxref
          complexed with ftl, hfp, zn; mutant
          1. chain b [80618] picpiclink
        23. 1n95 picpicxref
          complexed with fth, hfp, zn
          1. chain b [80334] picpiclink
        24. 1ft2 picpicxref
          complexed with fpp, zn
          1. chain b [18871] picpiclink
        25. 1fpp picpicxref
          complexed with fpp, po4, zn
          1. chain b [18870] picpiclink
        26. 1ni1 picpicxref
          complexed with 2c5, hfp, zn
          1. chain b [91889] picpiclink
        27. 1x81 picpicxref
          complexed with jan, zn
          1. chain b [114954] picpiclink
        28. 1n9a picpicxref
          complexed with fti, hfp, zn
          1. chain b [80339] picpiclink
        29. 1n94 picpicxref
          complexed with hfp, tin, zn
          1. chain b [80332] picpiclink
      2. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [69090] (19)
        SQ P49356
        1. 2h6f picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1jcqb_
          complexed with acy, far, suc, zn; mutant
          1. region b:521-921 [136186] picpiclink
        2. 2h6h picpicxref
          complexed with acy, far, suc, zn; mutant
          1. region b:515-924 [145283] picpiclink
        3. 1tn6 picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fii, suc, zn; mutant
          1. chain b [112528] picpiclink
        4. 2iej picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1jcqb_
          complexed with act, fii, s48, suc, zn
          1. region b:521-921 [137314] picpiclink
        5. 1s63 picpicxref
          complexed with 778, fpp, suc, zn
          1. chain b [105286] picpiclink
        6. 1ld8 picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fpp, suc, u49, zn
          1. chain b [73839] picpiclink
        7. 1mzc picpicxref
          complexed with bne, fpp, suc, zn
          1. chain b [85240] picpiclink
        8. 1sa4 picpicxref
          complexed with fpp, jan, suc, zn
          1. chain b [105403] picpiclink
        9. 1ld7 picpicxref
          complexed with fpp, suc, u66, zn
          1. chain b [73837] picpiclink
        10. 1jcq picpicxref
          complexed with 739, acy, fpp, suc, zn; mutant
          1. chain b [66505] picpiclink
        11. 1tn7 picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fii, zn
          1. chain b [112530] picpiclink
        12. 1tn8 picpicxref
          complexed with acy, fii, zn; mutant
          1. chain b [112532] picpiclink
        13. 1tno picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, mgm, zn
          1. chain b [112546] picpiclink
          2. chain d [112548] picpiclink
          3. chain f [112550] picpiclink
          4. chain h [112552] picpiclink
          5. chain j [112554] picpiclink
          6. chain l [112556] picpiclink
        14. 1tny picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, mgm, zn
          1. chain b [112570] picpiclink
          2. chain d [112572] picpiclink
          3. chain f [112574] picpiclink
          4. chain h [112576] picpiclink
          5. chain j [112578] picpiclink
          6. chain l [112580] picpiclink
        15. 1tnu picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, mgm, zn
          1. chain b [112558] picpiclink
          2. chain d [112560] picpiclink
          3. chain f [112562] picpiclink
          4. chain h [112564] picpiclink
          5. chain j [112566] picpiclink
          6. chain l [112568] picpiclink
        16. 1tnb picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, mgm, zn
          1. chain b [112534] picpiclink
          2. chain d [112536] picpiclink
          3. chain f [112538] picpiclink
          4. chain h [112540] picpiclink
          5. chain j [112542] picpiclink
          6. chain l [112544] picpiclink
        17. 1tnz picpicxref
          complexed with cl, mes, mgm, zn
          1. chain b [112582] picpiclink
          2. chain d [112584] picpiclink
          3. chain f [112586] picpiclink
          4. chain h [112588] picpiclink
          5. chain j [112590] picpiclink
          6. chain l [112592] picpiclink
        18. 2f0y picpicxref
          automatically matched to d1jcqb_
          complexed with 3mn, fpp, zn
          1. region b:21-421 [132682] picpiclink
        19. 2h6i picpicxref
          complexed with ger, suc, zn; mutant
          1. region b:515-924 [145284] picpiclink
    2. Rab geranylgeranyltransferase, beta subunit [48249]
      1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [48250] (9)
        1. 3dss picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [157841] picpiclink
        2. 3dst picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, grg, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [157842] picpiclink
        3. 3dsu picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, fpp, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [157843] picpiclink
        4. 3dsv picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, ger, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [157844] picpiclink
        5. 3dsx picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, ger, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [157846] picpiclink
        6. 3dsw picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, ger, zn
          1. region b:7-330 [157845] picpiclink
        7. 1dce picpicxrefxrefxref
          complexed with zn
          1. chain b [18872] picpiclink
          2. chain d [18873] picpiclink
        8. 3c72 picpic
          automatically matched to d1dceb_
          complexed with ca, cx1, zn
          1. region b:7-331 [155997] picpiclink
        9. 1ltx picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
          complexed with cl, far, zn2; mutant
          1. chain b [84714] picpiclink
  4. Complement components [48251] (3)
    probably related to other families, but has no known enzymatic activity
    1. C3D, a C3 fragment and ligand for complement receptor 2 [48252]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [48253] (11)
        1. 1c3d picpic
          complexed with gol; mutant
          1. chain a [18874] picpiclink
        2. 1ghq picpicxref
          complexed with nag, zn; mutant
          1. chain a [60521] picpiclink
        3. 3d5r picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region a:12-297 [157403] picpiclink
        4. 3d5r picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region b:12-297 [157404] picpiclink
        5. 3d5s picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region a:12-297 [157407] picpiclink
        6. 3d5s picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region b:12-297 [157408] picpiclink
        7. 2noj picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region a:1001-1286 [148324] picpiclink
        8. 2noj picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region c:1001-1286 [148326] picpiclink
        9. 2noj picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region e:1001-1286 [148328] picpiclink
        10. 2noj picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region g:1001-1286 [148330] picpiclink
        11. 1w2s picpicxrefxref
          automatically matched to d1ghqa_
          1. region a:1-307 [120604] picpiclink
      2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116] [48254] (2)
        1. 1qqf picpic
          N-terminally truncated fragment
          1. chain a [18875] picpiclink
        2. 1qsj picpic
          N-terminally truncated fragment
          1. chain a [18876] picpiclink
          2. chain b [18877] picpiclink
          3. chain c [18878] picpiclink
          4. chain d [18879] picpiclink
    2. C4adg fragment of complement factor C4a [81859]
      1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [81860] (1)
        1. 1hzf picpic
          complexed with mse
          1. chain a [76731] picpiclink

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