Structural Classification of Proteins
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Fold: open-sided beta-meander

single sheet formed by beta-hairpin repeats; exposed on both sides in the middle


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: open-sided beta-meander [51086]
    single sheet formed by beta-hairpin repeats; exposed on both sides in the middle


  1. Outer surface protein [51087] (1)
    21 stranded sheet partly folded upon itself at the ends
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
    1. Outer surface protein [51088] (2)
      1. Outer surface protein A [51089]
        1. Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) [TaxId: 139] [51090] (2)
          1. 1osp picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
            1. chain o [27971] picpiclink
          2. 1fj1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
            1. chain e [27972] picpiclink
            2. chain f [27973] picpiclink
      2. Outer surface protein B [101946]
        1. Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) [TaxId: 139] [101947] (2)
          SQ P17739 202-296
          1. 1p4p picpic
            C-terminal, "globular" region only (of 12 strands)
            1. chain a [94112] picpiclink
          2. 1rjl picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
            C-terminal fragment
            1. chain c [111825] picpiclink
  2. Histone H3 K4-specific methyltransferase SET7/9 N-terminal domain [82185] (1)
    11+ stranded sheet partly folded upon itself at the C-end
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
    1. Histone H3 K4-specific methyltransferase SET7/9 N-terminal domain [82186] (1)
      1. Histone H3 K4-specific methyltransferase SET7/9 N-terminal domain [82187]
        1. Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [82188] (11)
          SQ Q8WTS6 52-366
          1. 2f69 picpicxref
            automatically matched to d1n6aa1
            complexed with ace, mlz, sah
            1. region a:116-193 [133035] picpiclink
          2. 3cbp picpicxref
            automatically matched to d1n6aa1
            complexed with bme, gol, sfg
            1. region a:117-193 [156165] picpiclink
          3. 3cbo picpicxref
            automatically matched to d1n6aa1
            complexed with bme, gol, mlz, sah
            1. region a:116-193 [156163] picpiclink
          4. 3cbm picpicxref
            automatically matched to d1n6aa1
            complexed with bme, mlz, sah
            1. region a:116-193 [156161] picpiclink
          5. 1h3i picpicxref
            complexed with mg
            1. region a:52-193 [76635] picpiclink
            2. region b:52-193 [76637] picpiclink
          6. 1mt6 picpicxref
            complexed with sah
            1. region a:58-193 [79446] picpiclink
          7. 1n6a picpicxref
            truncated from N-terminus
            complexed with mse, sam
            1. region a:116-193 [80121] picpiclink
          8. 1xqh picpicxref
            N-terminally truncated
            complexed with mlz, sah
            1. region a:117-193 [115846] picpiclink
            2. region e:117-193 [115848] picpiclink
          9. 1o9s picpicxref
            truncated from N-terminus
            complexed with mlz, sah
            1. region a:117-193 [81249] picpiclink
            2. region b:117-193 [81251] picpiclink
          10. 1n6c picpicxref
            truncated from N-terminus
            complexed with sam
            1. region a:79-193 [80123] picpiclink
          11. 1muf picpicxref
            truncated from N-terminus
            complexed with mse
            1. region a:81-193 [79483] picpiclink

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