Structural Classification of Proteins
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Family: Hyaluronate lyase-like, central domain


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Supersandwich [49993]
    sandwich; 18 strands in 2 sheets
  4. Superfamily: Galactose mutarotase-like [74650]
    probable carbohydrate-binding domain in enzymes acting on sugars
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: Hyaluronate lyase-like, central domain [50006]

Protein Domains:

  1. Chondroitinase AC [50007]
    1. Pedobacter heparinus (Flavobacterium heparinum) [TaxId: 984] [50008] (5)
      1. 1cb8 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, gcu, gol, man, mfu, ram, xys
        1. region a:336-599 [24422] picpiclink
      2. 1hmu picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, gcu, idt, man, mxy, ngl, ram, xys; mutant
        1. region a:336-599 [61091] picpiclink
      3. 1hm2 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, gcu, idr, man, mxy, ngl, ram, xys; mutant
        1. region a:336-599 [61085] picpiclink
      4. 1hm3 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, gcu, man, mxy, nag, ram, xys; mutant
        1. region a:336-599 [61088] picpiclink
      5. 1hmw picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, gcd, gcu, man, mxy, ng6, ngl, ram, xys; mutant
        1. region a:336-599 [61094] picpiclink
    2. Arthrobacter aurescens [TaxId: 43663] [101660] (6)
      1. 1rwh picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gad, gct, gol, na, ngl, po4
        1. region a:373-644 [97986] picpiclink
      2. 1rwa picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gol, hg
        1. region a:373-644 [97969] picpiclink
      3. 1rw9 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with na, po4
        1. region a:373-644 [97966] picpiclink
      4. 1rwf picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gad, gct, na, ngl, po4
        1. region a:373-644 [97980] picpiclink
      5. 1rwg picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gad, gct, na, ngl, po4
        1. region a:373-644 [97983] picpiclink
      6. 1rwc picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gad, gol, na, nag, po4
        1. region a:373-644 [97976] picpiclink
  2. Hyaluronate lyase [50009]
    1. Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId: 1313] [50010] (19)
      SQ Q54873 287-1007
      1. 1n7o picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:541-814 [80261] picpiclink
      2. 1ojn picpicxrefxref
        complexed with dgc, ng6, so4; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [93139] picpiclink
      3. 1n7n picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:541-814 [80258] picpiclink
      4. 1w3y picpicxrefxref
        complexed with pvc, so4, xyl
        1. region a:541-814 [109170] picpiclink
      5. 1n7p picpicxrefxref
        1. region a:541-814 [80264] picpiclink
      6. 1lxk picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gcu, nag; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [74333] picpiclink
      7. 1ojo picpicxrefxref
        complexed with dgc, ngl, so4; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [93142] picpiclink
      8. 1egu picpicxrefxref
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:541-814 [24423] picpiclink
      9. 1ojm picpicxrefxref
        complexed with dgc, nga, so4
        1. region a:541-814 [93136] picpiclink
      10. 1ojp picpicxrefxref
        complexed with dgc, ng6, so4
        1. region a:541-814 [93145] picpiclink
      11. 2brp picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1c82a3
        complexed with sie, so4, xls
        1. region a:541-814 [129007] picpiclink
      12. 1c82 picpicxrefxref
        complexed with cac, gc4, na, nag
        1. region a:541-814 [59081] picpiclink
      13. 1n7r picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gcu, nag; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [80270] picpiclink
      14. 1f9g picpicxrefxref
        complexed with asc
        1. region a:541-814 [59740] picpiclink
      15. 1loh picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gcu, nag; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [74149] picpiclink
      16. 1n7q picpicxrefxref
        complexed with gcu, nag; mutant
        1. region a:541-814 [80267] picpiclink
      17. 2brw picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1c82a3
        complexed with so4
        1. region a:541-814 [129024] picpiclink
      18. 2brw picpicxrefxrefxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1c82a3
        complexed with so4
        1. region b:541-814 [129027] picpiclink
      19. 2brv picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1c82a3
        complexed with mla
        1. region x:541-814 [129021] picpiclink
    2. Streptococcus agalactiae [TaxId: 1311] [69241] (3)
      1. 1f1s picpicxrefxrefxref
        1. region a:620-911 [64931] picpiclink
      2. 1lxm picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with gcu, nag
        1. region a:620-911 [78299] picpiclink
      3. 1i8q picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with gc4, nag
        1. region a:620-911 [66093] picpiclink
  3. Xanthan lyase [89282]
    1. Bacillus sp. gl1 [TaxId: 84635] [89283] (7)
      1. 1x1i picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1j0ma3
        complexed with 46m; mutant
        1. region a:387-659 [121586] picpiclink
      2. 2e24 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1j0ma3
        complexed with peg; mutant
        1. region a:387-659 [131978] picpiclink
      3. 1x1j picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1j0ma3
        complexed with 46d, ca; mutant
        1. region a:387-659 [121589] picpiclink
      4. 1x1h picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1j0ma3
        1. region a:387-659 [121583] picpiclink
      5. 2e22 picpicxrefxref
        automatically matched to d1j0ma3
        complexed with man
        1. region a:387-659 [131975] picpiclink
      6. 1j0m picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca
        1. region a:387-659 [83912] picpiclink
      7. 1j0n picpicxrefxref
        complexed with ca, ceg
        1. region a:387-659 [83915] picpiclink
  4. Chondroitin ABC lyase I [89284]
    domain 3
    1. Proteus vulgaris [TaxId: 585] [89285] (1)
      1. 1hn0 picpicxrefxrefxref
        complexed with na
        1. region a:619-899 [83619] picpiclink

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