Photosystem II [58160]
there is a higher resolution structure of Thermosynechococcus elongatus photosystem II (1s5l); however, PDB entry 1S5L designates protein chains by both upper case and lower case letters creating problems with its processing and presentation; there are two copies of the photosystem II complex: one with the upper case chains and the other with lower case chains
1tzn there are upper case and lower case identifiers in this PDB entry that may cause processing and display errors; the upper case identifiers are for the toxin chains and the lower case identifiers (a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;i;j;k;l;m;o) are for the receptor chains
2f40 consistent with the InterPro (SF) assignment to HMA domain-like superfamily (scop_sf 55008) of the Ferredoxin-like fold (scop_cf 54861), but does not contain the conserved metal-binding residue