#!/usr/bin/perl -- # -*- C -*- # T.Hubbard # 26/7/94 # extended 4/8/94 # bug fixed 16/8/94 [re should accept] # extended 24/3/95 # -colour's active chain # -centres on region # derivative of rsgen.cgi # creates command string to send to rasmol to display # the backbone of a protein structure # $xx{'pd'} is expected to be a valid 4 digit pdb code # i.e. 1tim # # $xx{'pc'} is expected either to be empty or # to contain a single protein chain letter # i.e. A or A,B # # $xx{'pr'} is expected either to be empty or # to contain a single region of sequence # i.e. 1-10 or A:1-10 or A:1-10,A:12-20 # # $xx{'s1'} is expected either to be empty or # to contain a single region of sequence # i.e. 1-10 or A:1-10 or A:1-10,A:12-20 # only expect pd || (pd && pc) || (pd && pr ) require 5.002; require './cgi-lib.pl'; #$debug_mode = 0; # For printing $Date = "\$Date"; $End = "\$"; #unless($debug_mode){ MAIN: { &ReadParse(*in); $ret = &rsgen(%in); if($in{"chime"}==1){ $ret=~s/\n/;/g; $ret=~s/\|\|/or/g; ($id,$script)=($ret=~/^echo.*load pdb(\w{4})\.ent;(.*)$/); &SendChime($id,$script); }else{ print "Content-type: application/x-rasmol\n\n"; print $ret; } } #}else{ # bugs # ($xx{'pd'},$xx{'pc'},$xx{'pr'})=@ARGV; # print "PD=$xx{'pd'}\nPC=$xx{'pc'}\nPR=$xx{'pr'}\n\n"; # $ret = &rsgen(%xx); # print "$ret\n"; #} sub rsgen { local (%xx) = @_; local($prot,$sub,$region,$ret,$chain); undef $chain; $prot=$xx{'pd'}; $prot=~y/A-Z/a-z/; # rasmol instruction to load pdb file, with tags to allow # local substitution for directory and file extension $ret .= "echo The rasmol-scop interface.\n"; $ret .= "echo See scop help for coloring information.\necho\n"; $ret .= "echo Loading PDB Entry $prot...\n"; $ret .= "zap\nload pdb$prot.ent\n"; # pc = protein chains (really a subset of pr and should be merged) if($xx{'pc'}){ undef $region; $sub=$xx{'pc'}; $sub=~y/a-z/A-Z/; # for each chain, specification is *X # separated by || foreach $sub (split(/,/,$sub)){ $region.="\*:$sub || "; } # 3 chops remove trailing "|| " chop $region; chop $region; chop $region; $chain=$region; } # region if($xx{'pr'}){ undef $chain; undef $region; $sub=$xx{'pr'}; $sub=~y/a-z/A-Z/; foreach $sub (split(/,/,$sub)){ # if length=1 must be a chain -> add a * if($sub=~/^(\w)$/){ $region.="\*:$1 || "; $chain.="\*:$1 || "; # if $sub contains a ':', make into an && statement }elsif($sub=~/^(\w):([\d-]+)$/){ $region.="\(\*:$1 && $2\) || "; $chain.="\*:$1 || "; # if region defined with no chain, by definition, chain context is all }elsif($sub=~/^([\d-]+)$/){ $chain="all || "; $region.="$sub || "; } } chop $region; chop $region; chop $region; chop $chain; chop $chain; chop $chain; } # define segments of different colours # may be continous (different blast HSP's) or fragmentary (conservation/ # overlap colouring) undef $seg; if($xx{'s0'}){ $seg[0]=&segn($xx{'s0'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s1'}){ $seg[1]=&segn($xx{'s1'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s2'}){ $seg[2]=&segn($xx{'s2'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s3'}){ $seg[3]=&segn($xx{'s3'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s4'}){ $seg[4]=&segn($xx{'s4'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s5'}){ $seg[5]=&segn($xx{'s5'}); $seg=1; } if($xx{'s6'}){ $seg[6]=&segn($xx{'s6'}); $seg=1; } # set colour scheme # define's zero...n if($xx{'col'}){ # hack for old files with wrong number of colours (!!) # will probably have to be deleted... if($xx{'col'}=~/^magenta/){ $n=1; }else{ $n=0; } foreach $col (split(/,/,$xx{'col'})){ $col[$n++]=$col; } }else{ $col[0]='blue'; $col[1]='red'; $col[2]='redorange'; $col[3]='orange'; $col[4]='yellow'; $col[5]='green'; $col[6]='purple'; } # rest is region of interest, which may be chain or region # chain is whole chain of region of interest # global colour is violet: $ret.="select not (nucleic)\ncolour violet\n"; # $ret.="define upr (not (nucleic))\nselect upr\ncolour violet\n"; # backbone for whatever is target (all, chain or region) $ret.="wireframe off\nbackbone 80\n"; # colour of chain(s) selected is redorange if($chain){ $ret.="define uch $chain\nselect uch\ncolour redorange\n"; }else{ # $ret.="define uch upr\n"; } # if a region has been defined, centre on it if($region){ $ret.="define ure $region\nselect ure\ncentre $region\n"; }else{ # $ret.="define ure uch\n"; } if($seg){ $ret.="colour $col[0]\n"; }else{ $ret.="colour structure\n"; } # do segment if required for($i=1;$i<=$#seg;$i++){ if(defined($seg[$i])){ &segout($seg[$i],$col[$i]); } } # do segment 0 last, since if it exist (background) its an overwrite... &segout($seg[0],$col[0]) if defined($seg[0]); # any nucleic that is part of target should be wireframe if($region){ $ret.="select nucleic && ($region)\nbackbone off\nwireframe on\ncolour shapely\n"; }else{ $ret.="select nucleic\nbackbone off\nwireframe on\ncolour shapely\n"; } # global: non solvent hetero's are cpk $ret.="set hetero on\nselect hetero && not solvent\ncolour cpk\ncpk on\n"; # if there was a region, make sure rest ends up backbone if($region){ $ret.="select not ($region)\nbackbone 80\n"; } # end with correct state for subsequent global user operations $ret.="select all\n"; # open(TMP,">/var/tmp/rsgen.log"); # print TMP "$ret\n"; # close(TMP); return $ret; } # build a string for each colour definition sub segn{ local($sub)=@_; local($seg,$len); undef $seg; $sub=~y/a-z/A-Z/; $len=0; foreach $sub (split(/,/,$sub)){ # if $sub contains a ':', make into an && statement if($sub=~/^(\w):([\d-]+)$/){ $tmp="\(\*:$1 && $2\) || "; $len+=length($tmp); $seg.=$tmp; # if region defined with no chain, by definition, chain context is all }elsif($sub=~/^([\d-]+)$/){ $tmp="$sub || "; $len+=length($tmp); $seg.=$tmp; } # lines can easily get too long for normal string handling # insert BRK, which is recognised in segout to split the lines if($len>70){ $seg=~s/^(.*)\|\| $/\1BRK/; $len=0; } } chop $seg; chop $seg; chop $seg; return $seg; } # select and colour... sub segout{ local($seg,$col)=@_; foreach $segf (split(/ BRK/,$seg)){ $ret.="select $segf\ncolour $col\n"; } } sub SendChime { my ($id,$script) = @_; my ($opts); my $pdbsource = "http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop"; print &PrintHeader; print "<head><title>SCOP: Chemscape Chime Viewer</title></head>"; print &ScopHeader; print <<ENDOFTEXT; <p><b><a href="chime-help.html">Chime</a> display of PDB entry $id ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pc}); , chain $in{pc} ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pr}); , region $in{pr} ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT; :</b><br> ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pc} || $in{pr}); Click to display: ENDOFTEXT # http://ind2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/work/uch.spt # http://ind2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/work/ure.spt # http://ind2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/work/all.spt # <embed src="$pdbsource/pdb.cgi?id=$id;disp=mc" name="PDB$id" height=400 width=400 script="$script"> print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pc} || $in{pr}=~/:/); <embed type="application/x-spt" src="spt.cgi?com=pc" target="PDB$id" width=15 height=15 align=absmiddle button="push"> chain only, ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pr}); <embed type="application/x-spt" src="spt.cgi?com=pr" target="PDB$id" width=15 height=15 align=absmiddle button="push"> region only, ENDOFTEXT print <<ENDOFTEXT if($in{pc} || $in{pr}); <embed type="application/x-spt" src="spt.cgi?com=all" target="PDB$id" width=15 height=15 align=absmiddle button="push"> whole structure.<br> ENDOFTEXT # Raphael Leplae lp1@sanger.ac.uk - 19 Dec 2000: # replaced pdb.cgi with http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/pdb.cgi print <<ENDOFTEXT; <hr> <center> <embed type="application/x-spt" src="$pdbsource/pdb.cgi?id=$id;disp=mc" name="PDB$id" height=600 width=600 script="$script"> <br><b>You need to have the Chime Plug-in <a href="chime-help.html#install">installed</a> for a structure to be displayed</b><br> </center> ENDOFTEXT print &ScopFooter; } # <h2>Sorry</h2><br> sub ScopHeader { return <<ENDOFTEXT; <body> <i>Structural Classification of Proteins</i><HR> <a href="index.html"><img src="I/r.scop.gif" alt="home "></a><a href="http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/mail.cgi"><img src="I/r.mail.gif" alt="mail "></a><a href="help.html"><img src="I/r.ques.gif" alt="help "></a> <br> ENDOFTEXT } sub ScopFooter { return <<ENDOFTEXT; <hr> <address>Copyright © 1994-2009 The scop authors / scop\@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk</address> June 2009 </body> ENDOFTEXT }