#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # Copyright (C) 1996 Steven E. Brenner # $Header: /ga/proj/scop/dev/RCS/search_cdb.cgi,v 1.2 2000/04/09 18:53:09 loredana Exp loredana $ # # Modified 1997 Bartlett G Ailey, additional functions at the bottom of the file. # 20000409.llc doesn't work # # 20000909.llc the content of QUERY_STRING is truncated at the first blank # "search.cgi?pdb=1mbd, 2cro" behaves as "search.cgi?pdb=1mbd," (cgi bug?) # # 20000915.llc rewritten to use new stable identifiers' based indices, # fix bugs etc. # # 20010405.llc &srch modified to copy with d1g2c.a # sunid, sccs enabled # 20010408.llc accept astral identifiers # # TODO: check sccs, sunid works properly, add comments for new indices # # Needs: # All indicies in subdirectory 'search': # # TODO: update list of indices # # index.ec.pdb ec->pdb # index.pdb.scop entry->sid # index.scop word->sid # sid.scop sid->page # sid.title.scop sid->title # pdb.sprsde obsolete pdb id ->replacement (pdbsprsde) # # Directories # # dir.dom.scop.txt - domains in scop # obsolete # dir.lin.scop.txt - classification # obsolete # dir.cla.scop.txt - classification # replace dir.dom # dir.des.scop.txt - classification # and dir.lin # dir.hie.scop.txt - hierarchy (sunid) # scop hierarchy # dir.pdb.scop.txt - pdb entries in scop # dir.ec.scop.txt - ec codes in scop use strict; require "./cgi-lib.pl"; use Search::Dict; use CDB_File; my ($Date, $End, %lev, $debug, %SrchFunc, %Dirs, $MatchMsg, $NoMatchMsg, %in, $nvar,$scopver,$scopverstr,$scopverstr2); my (%sunid, %obshist, %pdbpx, %obs); $| = 1; $Date = "\$Date"; $End = "\$"; %lev = ( 'rt', 0, 'cl', '1', 'cf', '2', 'sf', '3', 'fa', '4', 'dm', '5', 'sp', '5', 'px', '6'); $debug = 0; # Each search func accepts a $key and returns a list of @sids # or never returns at all %SrchFunc = ('dir', \&ProcDir, 'sid', \&ProcSid, 'key', \&ProcKeys, # 'key', \&ProcKey, # replaced by &ProcKeys 'pdb', \&ProcPdb, 'ec' , \&ProcEc, 'sccs' ,\&ProcSccs, 'sunid' ,\&ProcSunid, 'newfa',\&ProcNew, 'newsf',\&ProcNew, 'newcf',\&ProcNew, 'newcl',\&ProcNew ); # 20030513.llc modified to keep parseable files in parse # 20031210.llc dir.pdb.scop.txt and dir.ec.scop.txt not distributed anymore %Dirs = ('pdb', '../parse/dir.obs.txt', 'ec' , '../parse/dir.obs.txt', 'dom', '../parse/dir.obs.txt', 'lin', '../parse/dir.obs.txt', 'cla', '../parse/dir.cla.scop.txt', 'des', '../parse/dir.des.scop.txt', 'hie', '../parse/dir.hie.scop.txt', 'com', '../parse/dir.com.scop.txt' ); MAIN: { open (fd0,"search/scopver.txt") || &CgiDie ("scopver.txt not found."); $scopver = ; chomp $scopver; close fd0; if ($nvar=&ReadParse(\%in)) { if(defined($in{'ver'})){ $scopver=$in{'ver'}; } $scopverstr=";ver=$scopver"; $scopverstr2="?ver=$scopver"; #&CgiDie ("$scopver $scopverstr $scopverstr2"); if ($nvar==1 && $in{'ver'}) { &PrintQueryForm; } else { &Process(%in); } } else { &PrintQueryForm; } } sub Process # 20000909.llc modified to deal with sunid instead of sid # try to guess the kind of search in case type of search = 'key' { my (%in) = @_; my ($loc, # location where to return pages @sunids, # scop unique identifiers to return $srchtype, # search type being tested $srch, # type of search to be done $key, # parameter to the search $func, # function to call to process search $search_type, # can be either scop or pdb @match, ); chdir('search') || &CgiError("Couldn't change to search directory: $!\n"); $loc = &SetLoc; foreach $srchtype (keys %SrchFunc) { if (defined $in{$srchtype}) { if (defined $key) { &CgiDie ("Illegal Parameters", "Only one search type may be specified at a time"); } else { $srch = $srchtype; $in{$srch} =~ s/^\s+//; $in{$srch} =~ s/\s+$//; # 20010408.llc: accept astral identifiers (aeid) if ($in{$srch} =~ /^e([\ds][\da-z]{3}\.[0-9_a-z])[0-9a-z]/) { $in{$srch} = "d$1"; } # 20010703.llc: accept astral identifiers (genetic domains) if ($in{$srch} =~ /^g([\ds][\da-z]{3}[\w\.][0-9_a-z])$/) { $in{$srch} = "d$1"; } $key = $in{$srch}; $search_type = $in{'search_type'}; # &CgiDie("|$search_type| |$in{$srch}|"); if ($search_type eq 'pdb') { print "Location: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/msdlite/apps/query?textSearch=$in{$srch}&show=scopId\n\n"; return 0; } # try to guess the search type if ($srch eq 'key') { $srch = &srch ($in{$srch}); } # 20010706.llc: rename 'tlev' if necessary $in{'lev'} = $in{'tlev'} if defined $in{'tlev'}; if ((defined $in{'lev'}) && ($srch eq 'key')) { &CgiDie ("Invalid request: lev option not defined for keyword search.\n", &PrintVariables(%in)); } $func = $SrchFunc{$srch}; ($srch eq 'key') ? (@match = &$func($key, %in)) : (@sunids = &$func($key, %in)); } } } if (!defined $key) { &CgiDie ("Invalid Request",&PrintVariables(%in)); } if (defined $in{'lev'}) { @sunids = &DispLev(@sunids); } @match = &SunidToPage(@sunids) if ($srch ne 'key'); @match = &RemoveDups(@match); &ShowResults($srch, $key, $loc, @match); } # try to guess the search type, based on the first keyword sub srch { my ($srch) = @_; $_ = $srch; s/\s+//; $_ = lc $_; ($_) = split (/[,]/,$srch); s/\s+//; $_ = lc $_; $srch = $_; my $found = 0; tie %sunid, 'CDB_File', "sunid.pge.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sunid.pge.cdb: $!\n"); tie %pdbpx, 'CDB_File', "pdb.px.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pdb.px.cdb: $!\n"); # 20010405.llc modified to account for d1g2c.a: $found = $srch =~ /^d[\ds][\da-z]{3}[\w\.][0-9_a-z]$/; return 'sid' if $found; # 20010408.llc: accept astral identifiers (aeid) $found = $srch =~ /^e([\ds][\da-z]{3}\.[0-9_a-z])[0-9a-z]/; return 'sid' if $found; # 20010703.llc: accept astral identifiers (genetic domains) $found = $srch =~ /^g([\ds][\da-z]{3}[\w\.][0-9_a-z])$/; return 'sid' if $found; # NOTE: this shadows pdb id (like 1914), use search.cgi?pdb=1914 $found = (($srch =~ /^\d+$/) and (defined $sunid{$srch})); return 'sunid' if $found; $found = (($srch =~ /^[\ds][\da-z]{3}$/) and (defined $pdbpx{$srch})); return 'pdb' if $found; $found = ($srch =~ /^[a-z]{1,2}(\.\d+){0,3}$/); return 'sccs' if $found; $found = ($srch =~ /^\d+(\.\d+){3}$/); return 'ec' if $found; # 20020506.llc: history return 'newfa' if ($srch =~ /newfa/); return 'newsf' if ($srch =~ /newsf/); return 'newcf' if ($srch =~ /newcf/); return 'newcl' if ($srch =~ /newcl/); # 20030501.llc # obsolete entries history my %obshist; tie %obshist, 'CDB_File', "hist.obs.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open hist.obs.cdb: $!\n"); $found = (defined $obshist{$srch}); $found = ($found and ($srch =~ /^\d+$/)); return 'sunid' if $found; $found = ($found and ($srch =~ /^[a-z]{1,2}(\.\d+){0,3}$/)); return 'sccs' if $found; tie %obs, 'CDB_File', "pdb.sprsde.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pdb.sprsde.cdb $!\n"); $found = (($srch =~ /^[\ds][\da-z]{3}$/) and (defined $obs{$srch})); return 'pdb' if $found; return 'key'; } sub ProcDir # 20030513.llc modified to keep parseable files at MRC in "parse" dir { my ($dir) = @_; my ($fn); $dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (defined ($fn = $Dirs{$dir})) { $fn .= "_$scopver" unless $fn =~ /obs.txt/; print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; &PrintFile($fn); } else { &CgiError("Parseable files available at http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/parse"); # &CgiError("Directory type $dir not supported"); } exit; } # Doesn't deal with missing leading 0's. # Doesn't do any error checking at all! sub ProcSid # 20000911.llc modified to deal with px # 20020122.llc: history { my ($sids) = @_; my (@sids, $sid, @sunids, %sid, %obshist); $sids =~ s/\s+//g; $sids = lc $sids; @sids = split(',',$sids); # verify sids tie %sid, 'CDB_File', "pxidx.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pxidx.cdb: $!\n"); # obsolete entries history tie %obshist, 'CDB_File', "hist.obs.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open hist.obs.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $sid (@sids) { if (defined $sid{$sid}) { &CgiError("$sid gets sunid $sid{$sid}\n") if $debug; push (@sunids, $sid{$sid}); } else { if (defined $obshist{$sid}) { $MatchMsg .= $obshist{$sid}; } } } untie %sid; return @sunids; } #sub ProcEc # 20000909.llc modified to deal with px # 20031210.llc obsolete starting with scop 1.65 #{ # my ($ec) = @_; # my (@ecs, @pdbs, @pxs); # $ec =~ s/\s+//g; # @ecs = split(/,/,$ec); # @pdbs = &EcToPdb(@ecs); # @pxs = &PdbToPx(@pdbs); # return (@pxs); #} sub ProcEc { my (@ecs) = @_; my ($ec, %ecpx, @pxs); tie %ecpx, 'CDB_File', "ec.px.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open ec.px.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $ec (@ecs) { push (@pxs, split (/,/,$ecpx{$ec})); } untie %ecpx; return (@pxs); } sub ProcSccs # 20020122.llc: history { my ($sccs) = @_; my (@sccs, %sccssunid, @sunids, @matches, %obshist); $sccs =~ s/\s+//g; @sccs = split(/,/,$sccs); tie %sccssunid, 'CDB_File', "sccs.sunid.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sccs.sunid.cdb: $!\n"); # obsolete entries history tie %obshist, 'CDB_File', "hist.obs.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open hist.obs.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $sccs (@sccs) { if (defined $sccssunid{$sccs}) { &CgiError("$sccs gets sunid $sccssunid{$sccs}\n") if $debug; push (@sunids, $sccssunid{$sccs}); } else { if (defined $obshist{$sccs}) { $MatchMsg .= $obshist{$sccs}; } } } untie %sccssunid; untie %obshist; return (@sunids); } sub ProcSunid # 20020122.llc history { my ($sunids) = @_; my (@sunids, @sunid0, %sunid, %obshist, $sunid); $sunids =~ s/\s+//g; @sunids = split(',',$sunids); # verify sunids tie %sunid, 'CDB_File', "sunid.pge.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sunid.pge.cdb: $!\n"); # obsolete entries history tie %obshist, 'CDB_File', "hist.obs.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open hist.obs.cdb: $!\n"); @sunid0 = (); foreach $sunid (@sunids) { if (defined $sunid{$sunid}) { push (@sunid0, $sunid); } else { if (defined $obshist{$sunid}) { $MatchMsg .= $obshist{$sunid}; } } } untie %sunid; untie %obshist; return @sunid0; } sub ProcPdb # 20000909.llc modified to use px instead of sid { my ($pdb) = @_; my (@pdbs,@pxs); $pdb =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $pdb =~ s/\s+//g; @pdbs = split(/,/,$pdb); @pxs = &PdbToPx(@pdbs); return (@pxs); } sub ProcKey { my ($key, %in) = @_; my ($mkey, $match, $line, $file, @files); local (*INDEX); $key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #TODO# fix this, it causes errors when searching with "[52630 for example DONE? $key =~ s/\s*$//; $key =~ s/\[//; $key =~ s/\]//; $mkey = $key; $mkey .= '\s' unless ($key =~ s/\+$//); open (INDEX,"index.scop") || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open index.scop: $!\n"); &look(*INDEX,$key); while (($line = ) =~ /^$mkey/) { ($match, $file) = split (/\s+/,$line); push (@files,"$file"); } close (INDEX) || &CgiDie ("Couldn't close index: $!\n"); return @files; } sub ProcNew { my ($key) = @_; my $key0 = "$key-$scopver"; my %s; $s{newfa} = 'new families'; $s{newsf} = 'new superfamilies'; $s{newcf} = 'new folds'; $s{newcl} = 'new classes'; my %new; my ($new, $sunid, @sunids); open (fd0, "new-clfa.txt") || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open new-clfa.txt"); while () { chomp; ($new, $sunid) = split (/ /,$_,2); $sunid = -1 if not defined ($sunid); $new{$new} = $sunid; } close fd0; if ($new{"$key0"} == -1) { $MatchMsg .= "no $s{$key} in $scopver"; } elsif (not defined $new{"$key0"}) { $MatchMsg .= "no information available about $s{$key} in $scopver"; } else { @sunids = split (/ /,$new{$key0}); # &CgiDie ("$key $new{$key}","@sunids"); } return (@sunids); } # display output sub ShowResults # 20020514.llc modified to sort according to master file # (as reflected by pcn) { my ($srch, $key, $loc, @match) = @_; my ($name, $title, $file, $file0, @s, $i, $match); my $pad = 4; # padding length for pcn if (@match == 0) { &ShowNoMatch($srch, $key); } elsif ((@match == 1) && (!defined $MatchMsg)) { &CgiError("Match = 1", "@match") if $debug; ($name,$title,$file) = split(/\t/,$match[0]); $file =~ s/\s*//g; print "Location: $loc" , "data/$file\n\n"; } else { print &PrintHeader; print "SCOP: Search Results for $key"; print &ScopHeader; &CgiError ("Match != 1", "@match") if $debug; print "

Search Results for \"$key\" [scop $scopver]

" ; my %h = (); foreach $match (@match) { ($name,$title,$file) = split(/\t/,$match); $file =~ s/\s*//g; # format $file0 for easy sorting # NOTE: sort will be based on master file order (reflected by pcn) # and not on sccs, even if it appears in the title (sccs ARE NOT ordered) @s = split (/\./,$file); for ($i=0; $i<=$#s; $i++) { $s[$i] = ' ' x (4 - length $s[$i]) . $s[$i]; } $file0 = join (".", @s); $h{$file0}{file} = $file; $h{$file0}{title} = $title; } foreach (sort keys %h) { print "$h{$_}{title}
\n"; } print "$MatchMsg" if defined $MatchMsg; print &ScopFooter; } } sub ShowNoMatch { my ($srch, $key) = @_; # &CgiError("Match = 0", "@match") if $debug; print &PrintHeader; print "SCOP: Search Results: None"; print &ScopHeader; print qq!

No matches for "$key" (search type "$srch")

\n!; print "$MatchMsg
\n" if defined $MatchMsg; print $NoMatchMsg if defined $NoMatchMsg; print qq!

You may try another search

!; $key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (($key =~ /^[\ds][\da-z]{3}/) && ($MatchMsg !~ /replaced/)) { print "You can also "; print qq!search for structural matches!; print " of PDB $key in SCOP using SSM\n"; print "
(If nothing seems to happen, check behind this window)"; } print &ScopFooter; } sub ScopHeader { return <Structural Classification of Proteins
home mail help END } sub ScopFooter { return <
Copyright © 1994-2009 The scop authors / scop\@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
June 2009 END } sub PrintQueryForm { print &PrintHeader; print "SCOP: Search Form"; print &ScopHeader; print <Search the scop database [scop $scopver]
You can use this search engine to search the SCOP database using several access methods (including sunid, sid, sccs, PDB identifiers, and any word that appears in any of the SCOP pages) as well as more sophisticated options. Please read the release notes for a detailed explanation and examples. This kind of search is internal to a SCOP release and therefore will always provide complete results.

By checking the PDB box, you can also search SCOP using the external MSDlite search engine for words that appear in several text fields in the corresponding PDB file (including header, author names, abstract, and MeSH terms from the primary citation). Please refer to MSDlite for more details.

Search the SCOP database.
Search the PDB database using MSDlite.

the search form.

EOT print &ScopFooter; } sub PrintFile { my ($fn) = @_; my ($buf); local (*FILE); open(FILE, $fn) || &CgiError ("Couldn't open file $fn: $!"); while (read(FILE, $buf, 16384)) { print $buf; } close(FILE); } sub SetLoc { my ($loc); if (defined $in{'loc'}) { $loc = "$in{'loc'}"; $loc .= '/' unless $loc =~ /\/$/; } else { my ($path) = $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} =~ /(.*)\//; my $port = $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 80 ? "" : ":" . $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}; $loc = "http://" . $ENV{"SERVER_NAME"} . $port . $path . "/"; } return $loc; } # Translate sunids to pages sub SunidToPage { my (@sunids) = @_; my ($sunid,@match,%sunid,%pgetit,$pge,$title,%sunid2sccs); tie %sunid, 'CDB_File', "sunid.pge.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sunid.pge.cdb: $!\n"); tie %pgetit, 'CDB_File', "pge.title.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pge.title.cdb: $!\n"); tie %sunid2sccs, 'CDB_File', "sunid.sccs.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sunid.sccs.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $sunid (@sunids) { $pge = $sunid{$sunid}; $title = $pgetit{$pge} if $pge; if (defined $sunid2sccs{$sunid}) { $title .= " [$sunid2sccs{$sunid}]"; } push (@match, $sunid."\t".$title."\t".$pge) if $pge; &CgiError ("Dealing with sunid :$sunid: :$title: :$pge:" ) if $debug; } untie %sunid; untie %pgetit; untie %sunid2sccs; return @match; } # Translate sids to pages # Problems: doesn't munge whitespace, missing 0s. : sub SidToPage # 20000909.llc obsolete (see SunidToPage) { my (@sids) = @_; my ($sid,@match,%sid,%sidtit); tie %sid, 'CDB_File', "sid.scop.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sid.scop.cdb: $!\n"); tie %sidtit, 'CDB_File', "sid.title.scop.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sid.title.scop.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $sid (@sids) { push (@match, $sid."\t".$sidtit{$sid}."\t".$sid{$sid}) if $sid{$sid}; &CgiError ("Dealing with sid :$sid: :$sidtit{$sid}: :$sid{$sid}:" ) if $debug; } return @match; } sub DispLev { my (@sunids) = @_; my ($lev, %px2scls, @sunid0, $sunid, $newsunid); $lev = $in{'lev'} || $in{'tlev'}; $lev =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $lev =~ s/\s//g; # for internal consistence (scopm), 'pr' is called 'dm' # for users is 'pr' # indices are based on 'dm', therefore: $lev =~ s/pr/dm/; if (!defined $lev{$lev}) { &CgiDie ("Invalid level request (lev)",&PrintVariables(%in)); } tie %px2scls, 'CDB_File', "px.scls.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open px.scls.cdb: $!\n"); foreach $sunid (@sunids) { ($newsunid) = ($px2scls{$sunid} =~ /$lev=(\d+)/); push (@sunid0, $newsunid); } untie %px2scls; return (@sunid0); } # convert to appropriate level sub SetDispLev # 20000909.llc obsolete (see DispLev) { my (@match) = @_; my ($lev,$name,$title,$file,$dots,$i,@file,%sidtit); # 20000406.llc modified to cope with: # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING: This will only work when: # 1) Parameter is EXACTLY correct and # 2) The level that would have been returned is further down in the # tree than the level being requested with the 'key' or 'pdb' # parameter. # To be fixed: # BUG BUG BUG: The '$title' field contains text of level that will be # returned. This text is not modified to reflect the level # which is produced by this routine $lev = $in{'lev'}; $lev =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $lev =~ s/\s//g; if (!defined $lev{$lev}) { &CgiDie ("Invalid level request (lev)",&PrintVariables(%in)); } tie %sidtit, 'CDB_File', "sid.title.scop.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open sid.title.scop.cdb: $!\n"); $dots = $lev{$lev} + 1; for $i (0 .. $#match) { ($name,$title,$file) = split(/\t/,$match[$i]); @file = split(/\./, $file); $file = join ('.', @file[0 .. $dots], 'html'); $title = $sidtit{$name}; $match[$i] = join ("\t", $name,$title,$file); } untie %sidtit; return @match; } sub RemoveDups # 20020514.llc modified to respect original order (no sorting) { my(@match) = @_; my($name,$title,$file,%match,$key,$match,@match0); # remove duplicate pages (generated from different structures on one page) foreach $match (@match) { ($name,$title,$file) = split(/\t/,$match); if (not defined $match{$file}) { push (@match0, "\t$title\t$file\t"); } $match{$file}=$title; } @match = @match0; # @match = (); # foreach $key (keys(%match)) { # push(@match,"\t$match{$key}\t$key\t"); # } return @match; } #sub EcToPdb # 20031210.llc obsolete starting with scop 1.65 #{ # my (@ecs) = @_; # my ($ec, %ecpdb,@pdbs); # # tie %ecpdb, 'CDB_File', "ec.pdb.cdb" || # &CgiDie ("Couldn't open ec.pdb.cdb: $!\n"); # # foreach $ec (@ecs) { # push (@pdbs, split ("\0",$ecpdb{$ec})); # } # # untie %ecpdb; # # return (@pdbs); #} sub PdbToPx { my (@pdbs) = @_; my (%pdbpx, $pdb, @pxs, @matches); my (%obs, $newid, $date, $lev); tie %pdbpx, 'CDB_File', "pdb.px.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pdb.px.cdb: $!\n"); tie %obs, 'CDB_File', "pdb.sprsde.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pdb.sprsde.cdb $!\n"); foreach $pdb (@pdbs) { if (defined $pdbpx{$pdb}) { push (@pxs, split (/,/,$pdbpx{$pdb})); } else { if ($newid = $obs{$pdb}) { $date = $obs{"$pdb-date"}; $lev =''; if (defined $in{'lev'}) { $lev = '&lev=' . $in{'lev'}; } $MatchMsg .= "Entry $pdb was replaced by entry " . qq!$newid on $date.

\n!; } } } untie %pdbpx; untie %obs; return @pxs; } sub PdbToSid # 20000909.llc obsolete (see PdbToPx) { my (@pdbs) = @_; my (%db,$pdb,@sids,@matches,$line,$code); local (*PDBIDX); open (PDBIDX, "index.pdb.scop") or &CgiDie("Couldn't open index.pdb.scop: $!\n"); foreach $pdb (@pdbs) { &look (*PDBIDX, $pdb); $line = ; ($code, @matches) = split (/[\s\0]+/, $line); &CgiError("$pdb gets sid @matches\n") if $debug; push (@sids,@matches) if $code eq $pdb; } close (PDBIDX); return @sids; } sub SearchScop # 20000912.llc modified to deal with new index.scop { my ($mkey, $key) = @_; my (@files, $line, $match, $file, %pgetit); local (*INDEX); open (INDEX,"index.scop") || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open index.scop: $!\n"); &look(*INDEX,$key); while (($line = ) =~ /^$mkey/) { ($match, $file) = split (/\s+/,$line); push (@files,"$file"); } close (INDEX) || &CgiDie ("Couldn't close index: $!\n"); return (@files); } sub ProcKeys { my ($keys, %in) = @_; my (%pgetit, @files, $file, %files, @words, $word, @match, $s); my $ex = "

For keyword search, enter one or more [+|-]keywords.

  • immunoglobulin returns a (list of) SCOP page(s) referring to immunoglobulin
  • immun+ returns a (list of) SCOP page(s) containing all completions of immun
  • immunoglobulin +variable returns a (list of) SCOP page(s) in which both immunoglobulin and variable appear
  • immunoglobulin -variable returns a (list of) SCOP page(s) corresponding to immunoglobulin but not containing variable

"; local (*INDEX); tie %pgetit, 'CDB_File', "pge.title.cdb" || &CgiDie ("Couldn't open pge.title.cdb: $!\n"); $_ = $keys; s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//; @words = split (/ /,lc($_)); @files = &ProcKey(shift @words, %in); %files = (); foreach (@files) { $files{$_}++; } foreach (@words) { $s = substr($_,0,1); s/^\+//; s/^\-//; $word = $_; if ($s eq '-') { @files = &ProcKey($word, %in); foreach (@files) { delete $files{$_} if defined $files{$_}; } } elsif ($s eq '+') { @files = &ProcKey($word, %in); @files = grep (defined $files{$_}, @files); %files = (); foreach (@files) { $files{$_}++; } } else { &CgiDie ("Invalid request: use '+' or '-' prefix for multiple word search.\n", &PrintVariables(%in),$ex); } } @match = (); foreach $file (keys %files) { push (@match,"-1\t$pgetit{$file}\t$file"); } return @match; }