ACMS : Alternate Conformations in Main and Side Chains of Protein Structures


Proteins are usually dynamic macromolecules; thereby exhibiting an immense level of conformational ensembles which influences its association with its interacting partners. Most of the high resolution (<1.4 Å) deported in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) exhibit an alternate conformation for their atomic coordinate’s, both main chain and side chain atoms. This additional structural information increased our curiosity to find out whether there is any significant relationship between the alternate conformations with the function of the protein molecule. Thus, we have developed a database called “Alternate conformations on main and side chains of the protein structures” to represent the atomic coordinates of residues which contain more than one conformation. This database provides a detailed description about the alternate conformations of residues for more than 60,000 structures. The proposed user-friendly database enables users to access the alternate conformations based on various parameters; such as, Atom types, Resolution, R value, Experimental method, Organism, EC number and Protein classification. In addition, this database has numerous flexible options that provides visualization of protein structures displaying the alternate conformations as well. In the coming years, this newly portrayed structural information will open a new window of opportunity in estimation of protein structure-dynamics-function. This annotated data will be updated every week and is publicly available through