Structural Classification of Proteins
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Protein: CD4 V-set domains from Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: All beta proteins [48724]
  3. Fold: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725]
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. Superfamily: Immunoglobulin [48726]
    link to SUPERFAMILY database - Superfamily
  5. Family: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727]
  6. Protein: CD4 V-set domains [48737]
  7. Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606] [48738]

PDB Entry Domains:

  1. 2nxy picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with hez, nag, trs; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138745] picpiclink
  2. 2ny2 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with edo, hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138770] picpiclink
  3. 2ny3 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138776] picpiclink
  4. 2ny4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with hez, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138782] picpiclink
  5. 2ny1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138764] picpiclink
  6. 2nxz picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with edo, hez, ipa, nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138751] picpiclink
  7. 2ny0 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with hez, nag; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138758] picpiclink
  8. 1cdy picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:1-97 [19719] picpiclink
  9. 2ny5 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region c:1001-1097 [138788] picpiclink
  10. 3cd4 picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:1-97 [19720] picpiclink
  11. 1g9m picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [19721] picpiclink
  12. 1rzj picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    complexed with fuc, ioh, nag; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [98198] picpiclink
  13. 1gc1 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    complexed with fuc, nag; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [19724] picpiclink
  14. 1cdu picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:1-97 [19723] picpiclink
  15. 2ny6 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with nag, suc; mutant
    1. region b:1001-1097 [138794] picpiclink
  16. 1cdh picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:1-97 [19722] picpiclink
  17. 1rzk picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [98205] picpiclink
  18. 1g9n picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    complexed with nag; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [19726] picpiclink
  19. 2qad picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdia1
    complexed with edo, mla, nag
    1. region b:1-97 [150203] picpiclink
  20. 2qad picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdia1
    complexed with edo, mla, nag
    1. region f:1-97 [150207] picpiclink
  21. 1cdj picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:1-97 [19725] picpiclink
  22. 1cdi picpicxref
    domain 1
    1. region a:0-97 [19727] picpiclink
  23. 2b4c picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    automatically matched to d1cdi_1
    complexed with fuc, nag, ndg, so4, xyl; mutant
    1. region c:1-97 [127820] picpiclink
  24. 1wio picpicxref
    domains 1 and 3
    1. region a:1-97 [19728] picpiclink
    2. region a:179-291 [19729] picpiclink
    3. region b:1-97 [19730] picpiclink
    4. region b:179-291 [19731] picpiclink
  25. 1jl4 picpicxrefxrefxrefxrefxref
    domain 1
    1. region d:1-97 [63161] picpiclink
  26. 1wip picpicxref
    domains 1 and 3
    1. region a:1-97 [19732] picpiclink
    2. region a:179-291 [19733] picpiclink
    3. region b:1-97 [19734] picpiclink
    4. region b:179-291 [19735] picpiclink
  27. 1wiq picpicxref
    domains 1 and 3
    1. region a:1-97 [19736] picpiclink
    2. region a:179-291 [19737] picpiclink
    3. region b:1-97 [19738] picpiclink
    4. region b:179-291 [19739] picpiclink

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